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Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform

What’s new on the STEP Portal?

Welcome to the "What's New" section of the STEP Portal! Here, you will find the latest updates, features, and improvements that have been recently added to the platform. Stay informed about funding opportunities and new resources that can help you make the most of your experience on the STEP Portal. Check back regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

  1. 12 September 2024

    A survey on access to EU funding has been launched to better understand the needs of project promoters seeking EU funding, especially through the STEP programmes

    Your input will help us improve the search and application process for EU funding opportunities at EU and national level, including grants, equity, and loans.

    Take the brief survey

  2. 10 September 2024

    A revamped version of our one-stop-shop STEP Portal is now live, offering streamlined access to dedicated content for project promoters, managing authorities or investors. New features include centralised information on calls for proposals, an interactive map of national contact points, practical resources for managing authorities and information on the first STEP Seal beneficiaries.

  3. 7 August 2024

    The Commission has approved the first two amendments to the National Operational programmes to redirect resources in support of the objectives of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform, for a total of €553 million:

    • €501 million to support investment in critical technologies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
    • €52 million to manufacture clean and resource efficient technologies in Sydjylland and Nordjylland, Denmark

    Read more

  4. 1 August 2024

    A new interactive map with National Contact Points who coordinate the implementation of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) is now available on the Portal.

  5. 22 July 2024

    A new practical brochure for Managing Authorities is now live: from the STEP Seal to cohesion policy funds, Recovery and Resilience Facility, and state aid rules, the brochure summarizes relevant aspects of the STEP initiative to help navigate its implementation.

  6. 20 June 2024

    STEP calls under the European Defence Fund supporting research and development in defence sector have been open for submission. Find more here.

  7. 13 May 2024

    A non-binding Guidance Note has been released to provide practical support in implementing the STEP Regulation, making it easier to navigate its key provisions. While some legislation provisions were rephrased for clarity, the Note does not alter the rights and obligations outlined in the STEP Regulation.