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Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform

Be inspired

Speech by Ursula von der Leyen, candidate for the European Commission Presidency (2024-2029) 

We need to reignite Europe's innovation engine […] (With) the Competitiveness Compass […] We have a plan; we have a roadmap. We have the political will. Now, what really matters is speed and unity.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, 29 January 2025

Unlocking funding opportunities with STEP in the Cohesion Policy

Read more about all the Cohesion Policy programme amendments adopted by the European Commission in the map below. You will find detailed information on each Member State’s and region’s adopted amendments, specifying:

This overview will be updated regularly to provide you with the latest information on how resources are being redirected to support strategic technologies under Cohesion Policy funds.

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Explore targeted investment areas

The focus of STEP is on projects in the development and manufacturing stages. Project proposals submitted are assessed based on the rules of each individual programme. The award criteria ensure that all project proposals evaluated above the threshold and considered for funding and STEP Seal award meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • They bring an innovative, cutting-edge element with significant economic potential to the Single Market
  • They help reduce or prevent strategic dependency for the EU.

For a detailed perspective into implementing the STEP, read the non-binding guidance note about the STEP objectives, technology sectors and conditions.

Banner with glowing plant growing on computer chip illustrating digital tech
Digital technologies and deep tech innovation

Examples (indicative and non-exhaustive): 

Glowing plant growing on computer chip representing digital ecology business
Clean and resource efficient technologies

Examples drawing from the Net Zero Industry Act (indicative and non-exhaustive):

3D rendering of advanced material technology

Examples (indicative and non-exhaustive): 

Biotech and biomanufacturing hub

From start-up to scaling up, a dedicated page on Your Europe platform provides tools and resources to help you succeed in the biotech and biomanufacturing sector:

  • Check what you need to do to bring a biotech or biomanufacturing solution to market: Learn about the essential regulations and requirements to bring your biotech ideas to life.
  • Find research infrastructures for your biotech or biomanufacturing R&D: Access cutting-edge facilities and data-sharing platforms to advance your research.
  • Scale up your biotech or biomanufacturing business: Connect with networks, funding, market insights, pilot and testing facilities to grow your company.

Strategic projects under Net-Zero Industry Act and Critical Raw Materials Act

Strategic projects recognised under the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) and the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) will also be able to receive support via STEP, including cumulative funding through various EU programmes under certain conditions.