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Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform

For project promoters

Targeted project promoters

One of the main challenges faced by European scale-up companies in critical sectors, particularly for high-risk, deep technologies, is the later-stage financing gap in Europe. 

STEP helps European scale-up companies that contribute to preserving a European edge on critical technologies overcome the later-stage financing gap in Europe.

Who can benefit from STEP?

  • Companies: SMEs (including start-ups), mid-caps, and larger companies
  • Other entities: Universities, research and technology organizations, non-profit organizations, and public entities

The type of support offered differs per type of beneficiaries:

Equity support for non-bankable SMEs, including start-ups, and non-bankable small mid-caps through the European Innovation Council
Equity and debt support available for EU companies under InvestEU
Grants in the areas of digital and deep tech, clean tech and biotech under the  Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme, the European Defence Fund, the EU4Health programme and the Innovation Fund.
Grants, financial instruments, or public procurements Open to any type of undertaking active in digital and deep tech, clean tech and bio tech sectors in the 27 Member States through the cohesion policy funds and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Targeted investment areas

Banner with glowing plant growing on computer chip illustrating digital tech
This sector encompasses a wide array of technologies such as advanced semiconductors, artificial intelligence, robotics and quantum technologies. They are critical to tackling pressing global issues, including climate change, sustainable energy, connectivity and navigation.
Banner with hydrogen fuel cell technology illustrating clean tech
Such innovations foster environmentally sustainable, cost-effective solutions to the green transition. STEP accelerates the development and manufacturing of clean energy technologies, energy storage innovations, and decarbonisation solutions in the EU.
Banner with advanced material technology illustrating biotech
A prominent area is the production of therapeutic proteins and other drugs through genetic engineering. Biotechnologies are key for making critical sectors like healthcare, farming, and the bioeconomy more modern and suited to the need of European citizens.

Support through all stages of development

EU funding under STEP provides support to strategic technologies at all stages of development, from early development to commercial readiness:

  • Upstream development of critical technologies: STEP funds all development stages, from research and innovation up to the prototype demonstration in operational environments.
  • Development of critical manufacturing capacities for large-scale production: STEP supports the establishment of manufacturing capacities at industrial scale (including first-of-a-kind ones) for critical technologies' products and relevant components and sub-components, including the machinery specifically used to produce these.

Get funding

Advisory services

Advisory services offer tailored guidance and support to innovative projects. Whether delivered through EU funded programmes or by public and private organisations, these services are designed to address the specific needs of projects at any stage of development. By providing financial and technical advice, they empower project promoters, helping them mature their project, access finance, understand the financial EU ecosystem and navigate the dynamic landscape of innovation. These services may help not only the development of innovative ideas but also their successful deployment to market.

Services provided at no cost under the EU funded programmes

Services provided by other public and private organisations

In most cases, these advisory services are offered on a fee basis. Regardless of the payment structure, the goal remains the same: to provide valuable assistance to innovative projects and help them succeed in a competitive and ever-changing market.

The non-exhaustive list below - under construction - will be complemented on regular basis.

Tips to manage your project

Applying for EU funding is like a journey. From crafting your proposal to submitting it, going through the evaluation process and contract signature, and then managing and reporting on your project, information is available to guide you every step of the way.

Discover the STEP seal

The Seal aims at enhancing access to EU funding, notably by facilitating alternative cumulative or combined funding from several EU budget instruments. 

Learn more about STEP

STEP brings together resources from various EU funding programmes to support innovative projects. The Platform uses tools like reprogramming and a STEP Seal granted to high-quality projects. It also offers an entry point for questions. Learn more about how STEP can help you access the funding you need.

STEP mobilises 11 EU programmes to support critical technologies and skills and is a testing ground for the future EU funding for competitiveness.