One of the main challenges faced by European scale-up companies in critical sectors, particularly for high-risk, deep technologies, is the later-stage financing gap in Europe. STEP will support investments in companies that contribute to preserving a European edge on critical technologies, throughout their full life cycle. Through sustained support, those companies will be able to take off, grow and become mature in the EU.
Who can benefit from STEP?
STEP will support several types of companies, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs, including start-ups), middle-sized enterprises (mid-caps) and larger companies.
Other type of entities will also be able benefit from funding mobilised under STEP, including universities, research and technology organisations, non-for-profit organisations, and public entities.
Type of support provided under STEP to different type of beneficiaries :
Equity support to non-bankable SMEs, including start-ups, and non-bankable small mid-caps through the European Innovation Council
Equity and debt support to EU companies under InvestEU
Grants to digital and deep tech, clean tech and biotech under the Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme, the European Defence Fund, the EU4Health programme and the Innovation Fund.
Grants, financial instruments, or public procurements – open to any type of undertaking active in digital and deep tech, clean tech and bio tech sectors in the 27 Member States through the cohesion policy funds and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.